Overall I believe the games played at Wrigley Field and Yankee Stadium were successful, although Northwestern and Army may beg to differ. The only obvious complication was the end zone near the ivy at Wrigley, although the game played in the Bronx in November at night could easily have been a lot colder and more miserable for those in attendance. Unfortunately neither game proved to be competitive, which was really a shame for the battle of Illinois as that game is always under the radar even if the teams are decent. It will never be mistaken for Ohio State versus Michigan, or even Wisconsin versus Minnesota, but the instate rivalry should become a better one. And after witnessing the incredible lack of interest in the Army-Notre Dame rivalry from the mid 1970s until recent times, it was good to see that some of that excitement was back. It will never be 1946 again (and didn't Lujack look great yesterday? And yes I am gushing), but at least people should care about a slice of college football history.
And so these games are good for the sport. I don't know if we will see Wrigley again thanks to the end zone problem (how did the Bears once play there?), but Yankee Stadium will remain a venue and others will follow suit.
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