Good riddance. I am not one of these who think anyone has to be good for college football to be popular and I especially do not place Miami in some special category of programs to be spared. The sport will do well without them--as it did for the decades when they were minor league--which is a good thing as the Hurricanes will be hammered for this latest problem. They will get a bigger punishment than they did in the 1990s and will disappear for awhile. Heck, they have been cheating for a decade and slipped from national power to also-ran. Even if they do not get te death penalty, they will become homecoming fodder for the ACC.
Meanwhile it is ridiculous what some reporters and Miami fans are advocating, that it is the work of one rogue booster and some teenagers (plus the everyone is doing it bs which is untrue). But almost all cheating is done through outside agents and the inability or desire of the program to stop this guy after years and years and scads of money is enough to hit Miami hard. That coaches were involved and compliance officers were aware of this bozo is very damaging. An example must be made to the current program and to otthers, like Paul Dee who was there when this all began and is now at the NCAA and Missouri basketball coach Frank Haith who okayed payments to his basketball players. I want heads to roll.
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